Benefit of hiring law firms specializing in employment law?

Employment law is a broad-ranging practice area that comprises all legal matters related to the workplace. Employment lawyers work with a diverse range of clients from the public as well as private sectors. They may represent an individual working as an employee or an employer running an organisation. Employment lawyers play an essential role as they help manage the conflict between the employee and the employer. It may include the relationship between an employer and contractors with whom an employer holds an agreement, contract or obligation.

An employment lawyer can help you with legal advice and representation and simplify complicated laws so that you can amend your business policies going forward. Ideally, it will help your business avoid getting into legal hassles, but if something unexpected occurs, he can easily navigate the potential complexities. Today, through our blog, we will share some of the top benefits of hiring law firms specialising in employment law

Ensures your business is compliant

Many businesses believe that an employment lawyer should be called upon only when a concern or a complaint has been raised. However, a business needs to start on the right foot when it comes to managing employee rights and ensuring the business is compliant with local and national laws.

In order to protect the rights of employer and employee, it is essential that the lawyer 

Reviews the agreement, contract, job offer and other documentation to ensure statements support the employee and the employer’s protection.

Help deal with potential legal issues

One of the biggest concerns employers face is harassment and discrimination. While employment law has detailed information on harassment and discrimination, an employer can manage the concerns before they occur with the help of an employment lawyer. Without an employment lawyer, it can be difficult for an employee to manage the employee’s activities and leadership fully. An employment lawyer can help the employer fully understand the protection laws and how they can be managed and help mediate or litigate the case when needed.

Decrease in employee benefits

Often employers have to make difficult decisions when the times are tough. It can result in cost cuttings which can affect the employees. When an employer has to decide to fire an employee or reduce his benefits, an employment lawyer can help save a lot of hassle by ensuring that everything represented in the documents is in order. 


Typically, it is illegal for an employer to prevent employees from forming a union. In such cases, collection negotiations can become difficult on both sides. Employees might be looking for higher wages and improved benefits, while the employer might not be able to afford the request. Therefore, employment is the well-practised expert who can mediate and represent the employer where collective bargaining is involved. Like many aspects of employment law, the lawyer can help understand the legalities surrounding collective bargaining and smooth out the process.

With this, we conclude the benefits of hiring an employment lawyer for your organisation. An experienced employment lawyer can help save much of your time, money and efforts by advising on complicated employee rights. He will ensure the documents are regularly reviewed and you follow the required policies. By understanding the law better, you can manage your company. 

Looking for a professional law firms specializing in employment law?

The experts at TP Legal ltd have the skills, experience and required expertise to ensure that your business is taken care of correctly. We are experienced in providing employment law guidance and representation to employers in all sectors. Our advice is clear and practical, and we will work hard to deliver a hassle-free and seamless experience so you can focus on what is more important- your business. If you wish to speak to our experts, contact us. We will be happy to help you!

The Rise of Remote Work and Its Implications for Employment Law

The Rise of Remote Work and Its Implications for Employment Law

Covid-19 has brought many changes to our lives, including the workplace. Earlier, the businesses that used to resist remote work have eventually allowed their employees to continue working from home. Every essential and non-essential business had to make significant modifications to how they worked to allow for continuous operations when possible. So, the best part was that working from home became an occasional perk that allowed workers to stay home to deal with household emergencies or tend to a sick child without losing a whole workday. Also, employers have learned that offering the option to work remotely gives them access to a wider range of qualified candidates. Whether or not Covid-19 stays, it is undeniable that remote work is here to stay.

employment lawyers in Surrey

Remote work inevitably raises a number of questions and concerns for employers and employees alike. Therefore, businesses wishing to introduce remote work or improve their existing model must lay the groundwork with policies and systems in place. By doing this, businesses can ensure that the workplace runs smoothly as it does when everyone is at the office. A remote work policy should clearly outline the expectations for those working outside, such as hours or how frequently they are to contact the office. This change can create legal issues that employers must take into consideration. Therefore, you can expect implications in the employment law-

Wage and Hour Laws

When you allow your employees to work remotely, it could subject your company to wage and hour laws in the jurisdiction where employees perform work. Many jurisdictions have different laws relating to when and how employees are paid. For example- overtime, minimum wage, the timing of the pay period and paycheck disclosure requirements. Hence it is important that companies pay their employees in compliance with local wage and hour laws. Failure in doing so could expose the employer to wage and hour claims.

Jurisdictional issues

When you allow your employees to work remotely, you eventually open up your company to be sued in foreign jurisdictions where the employers are working. Specific jurisdiction refers to the Court exercising personal jurisdiction over a party arising over the specific matters with the foreign state. In order to confer jurisdiction against your company, court must conclude that there is general or specific jurisdiction. Likewise, under general jurisdiction, the Court may assert jurisdiction over a foreign defendant to hear all claims against it.

Anti-discrimination laws

Like other aspects, anti-discrimination laws can differ greatly. So allowing your employees to work remotely could also subject your company to the application of anti-discrimination laws in the place where they are working. Therefore, the employers must know what laws they are potentially exposed to and understand the laws, regulations and it’s application in places where employees work remotely.


Allowing employees to work remotely can result in the company having to pay taxes in accordance with the jurisdictions where the employees are working remotely. Hence, we strongly encourage employers to talk with their tax professionals to ensure compliance with the laws.

Remote work policies may have significant legal ramifications. This is why employers must understand and adhere to these often significant differences in the laws.

Looking for employment lawyers in Surrey?

Contact our experts at TP Legal if you want to work with employment lawyers in Surrey. We are experienced in providing employment law guidance and representation to employers in all sectors. We offer clear and practical advice and deliver a seamless experience so you can focus on other essential matters.

Changes to planning use classes – what are the key points?

Regulations which came into force on 1st September 2020 herald significant changes to The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987, meaning that planning permission may no longer be required in order to change the use of land or buildings.

A key change is that previous classes A & B1, and D1 & D2 (in part) are replaced by a new Class E, known as the ‘Commercial, Business and Service’ use class. This class now groups together a range of uses which are all treated to be in the same use class, this includes the following:

  • Shops
  • Financial and professional services
  • Restaurants and cafés
  • Indoor sport, recreation or fitness
  • Offices, including research and development
  • Crèches, day nurseries and day centres
  • Publicly available medical or health services


This is significant because planning permission is not usually required for changes of use within the same class – so businesses which fall into the new Class E will be able to change the use of properties more easily. For example, a restaurant will now be able to change to a shop and then potentially to a gym and back again, without the need for planning permission. This change has been brought about by a need to repurpose buildings in town centres, and in the current economic climate the new regulations will be welcomed by many landlords, in particular those landlords with empty premises.

It should be remembered that if building work is associated with the proposed change of use, planning permission may be required for that work, and this should always be checked with the local planning authority.

A further change worth noting is the uses which have been added to the sui generis list. ‘Sui Generis’ refers to categories which are in a class of their own and these cannot normally be changed to any other use without planning permission. The additions to this class include:

  • Pubs, wine bars and other drinking establishments
  • Hot food takeaways
  • Live music venues
  • Cinemas, concert halls, bingo halls and dance halls (previously class D1)


This means that any of the above uses (and all the existing sui generis uses) would still require planning permission for any changes of use.

This highlights some of the key changes. This article is intended for information purposes only and not as a substitute for legal advice. TP Legal does not accept any responsibility for any decisions that you may make as a result of reading this article. Please contact the team at TP Legal on 01483 751878 if you would like specific legal advice in the light of the new regulations, and we will be happy to help.

Break Notice

Great news for landlords and tenants – on 24 March 2022, the Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Bill 2021-22 received Royal Assent.


The Act is intended to support landlords and tenants in resolving disputes around commercial rent arrears that built up while businesses were forced, by law, to close during the COVID-19 pandemic. The government’s intention is that, where possible, rent debt accrued as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic should not force an otherwise viable business to cease trading.


The Act ring fences certain rent arrears (“protected rent debts”) that built up as a result of business closures and introduces a new binding arbitration process to resolve disputes relating to those protected rent debts, where landlords and tenants have not been able to reach agreement.


Unpaid rent which includes service charge, insurance rent, VAT and interest is a protected rent debt if the tenancy was “adversely affected by Coronavirus.” A tenancy will be considered to be adversely affected by Coronavirus if the whole or part of the business was subject to a closure requirement during the period from 21 March 2020 and ending on or before 18 July 2021. The end date of the Protected Period will vary depending on when businesses in the relevant sectors were permitted to re-open again by law.


The Act will prevent legal action being taken in relation to protected rent debts for six months from 24 March 2022 (when this bill came into force) or, where the arbitration process has been instituted within that time, until after the arbitration process has concluded. During this 6 month period landlords will not be able to start any Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR) process, issue debt claims, draw down on any rent deposit, forfeit the lease, or present a bankruptcy petition against an individual tenant. Landlords will also be prevented from drawing down on tenancy deposits to cover outstanding ringfenced rental arrears. Furthermore, Tenants are expected to specify which period of rent they are paying for when they make any rent payment, if an unspecified amount is or has been paid by the Tenant following the end of the ring-fenced period the Landlord must use this rent to cover rent outside the ring-fenced period first.


Where the landlord and tenant have not been able to reach agreement as to the payment of protected rent debts, the Act provides that either party may serve notice to the other of their intention to refer the matter to arbitration. The notice should include a proposal for settlement of the arrears. This might include debt write off, a repayment plan, or a combination of both. The responding party may make counterproposals. They have 14 days within which to respond, either by accepting the proposal or by making a counter-proposal with supporting evidence. If agreement cannot be achieved, the parties can then initiate the arbitration process. The application must show that the pre-application notification requirements of notice have been met (an application will not be accepted without this). An application must include a formal proposal, with supporting evidence, for resolving the unpaid protected rent debt.


Either the landlord or the tenant can make a referral to the scheme within this 6-month period. If neither party makes a referral during the 6-month period then, at the end of that period, the usual landlord remedies will become available so it is important you seek advice within this time period or you will lose your statutory right.


For landlords and tenants who cannot reach agreement for the repayment of COVID-related rent arrears, then the arbitration scheme introduced by this Act should be much welcomed. Please do contact us if you would like to discuss this new piece of legislation further.


This article highlights some of the key points. If you are looking for assistance in negotiating or exiting your lease, please get in touch with our team and we can explore the options which are available to you. Please contact the team at TP Legal on 01483 751878 if you would like specific legal advice in the light of the new regulations, and we will be happy to help.